Welcome to Hednazot dot Org

Springtime. DCS has arrived. Life *could* be worse !

Talking about Life :

DCS - A Tribute To Life

Mar 19 2017 : V3 goes Live Apr 10 - v3.2

Mar 22 2017 : updated Doc , added Skinny Page - this one still isnt Ajax, but it doesn't suffer from false history on crap browsers like android chrome. It was a pilot, it may flow to Setup and others.

NDS - N Dim Space Travels

have to test them, yes? So.

Eerste stapjes Javascript. wor nie vrolijk van mejn. zo mooi in FF, maar in Android Chrome om te janken

JSI - JavaScrip Initiate

Mejn looks crap on android and ee doesnt show awt and elvis makes an ugly noise. Typical deceptions on migrate